

Anse is a fully optimized UI for AI Chats. It has built-in support for platforms such as OpenAI (opens in a new tab), Replicate (opens in a new tab), and is easy to extend.

Anse - Get answers from AI elegantly.


  • 🚀 Powerful Plugin System - Powered by Provider plugin , easy to extend AI platforms such as OpenAI (opens in a new tab), Replicate (opens in a new tab), and also supports custom model parameters.
  • 💬 Session Record Saving - We use IndexDB to store local data, it will not be uploaded to the server, security issues are guaranteed.
  • 🎉 Multiple Session Modes - Provides different conversations modes,support Single Conversation, Continuous Conversation, OpenAI Image GenerationStable Diffusion and more.
  • 💎 Improved UI Experience - We have refactored the website UI for the previous version, optimized a lot of details, and also adapted to mobile end and dark mode.
  • 🌈 One-Click Deployment - Support one-click deployment, abandoned use environment variables, you can refer to our documentation to deploy the website to Vercel (opens in a new tab), Netlify (opens in a new tab), Docker, Node and other platforms.